Warren Buffet made his money in the stock market because he was a true investor not a speculator. He bought the stocks of good companies at a value price and held onto them "forever". In that scenario, everyone wins including the economy.
Today speculators treat the stockmarket like it's a big casino. Selling short seems to be the only game in town. They roll the dice and hope that the rest of us lose who have money in blue chip stocks and mutual funds. They feed on greed, negativity and fear.
Well let them keep rolling the dice until they crap out, again and again and again. Gamblers will eventually lose everything. Not only are they playing against the odds, but they're stopping genuine investors from investing in good companies at good value. This is money that companies could use to expand their businesses and create more jobs.
All the investors have to do is sit on the sidelines until the speculators bankrupt themselves with too many missed calls and puts.
On the last settlement date for failed future contracts, the real investors will walk away with the good stocks at bargain basement prices.
Some try to catch the falling knife of the stock market. Some keep betting that it will fall as long as they have short postions. Howver, one can't time the bottom of the market in the same way one can't time the top of the market. What goes down will eventually go up.
It's better for the survival of the economies of the world that this happens sooner rather than later.
The speculators are having their faces shoved into this bear market again and again and again. The quicker they go bankrupt, the better it is for all of us. Eventually, they will buy and sell anything without reason. The will try to make back their losses, but they won't succeed. They will turn into compulsive gamblers.