Looking for a place where you can have a hell of a good time?
Why not try this place? Fun can be different things to different people.
I work in Mississauga which is not a suburb of Toronto. I live in the sister city, Brampton, which is just north of old Miss. Mississauga and Brampton share the regional county government of Peel. It's really is a great place to live and work.
Encyclopedia: Mississauga, Ontario
It's great to see the humanity that many are practising in the U.S.
"He ain't heavey. He's my brother." Remember the Hollies' song from the late 1960s.
HurricaneHousing.org - Hurricane Katrina Housing and Disaster Relief Help: "Hurricane Katrina has left hundreds of thousands of people homeless.
But thousands of people throughout the region are stepping up to offer
free shelter to those in need. 177,833 beds volunteered so far!"
After the heat of the summer and the hurricanes of autumn, what do we have to look forward to in the winter? Lots of winter fun.