Hi, again. It's deja vu on the internet. As one door closes another opens. How's your memory these days? Have you had any divine insights into anything? Getting better, getting worse? Life goes on with you or without you. Makes you think doesn't it? World Religions: Comparative Analysis
Do you remember this song? Maybe, you know it under its other title "I Love Turtles". For anyone who's ever cooked, they would know why onions are great.
Of course, if you had swellings on your feet, it would be "I Love Bunions." I LOVE ONIONS
It's easier to fight cancer before you get it because it's much more difficult after you get it. Please enlist divine power(e.g God)into this fight. He wants to annihilate cancer and heal its victims. It is a fight against evil. Understanding Cancer
The Barron Blog is highlighted today because Nov/16/06 marks a milestone: the 1000th entry into this blog. The blog covers just about everything that I'm aware of: My life in Brampton, Ontario, 108 Movie Reviews, Unusual Top Ten Lists, New Age Religion, Good Jokes, Alien Encounters, and Spooky Places In This Life Or The Next. Since I pay for the webspace, every entry is there.
As well as me and my wife, these photos include one with my late father, one with my brothers and sister(e.i.Bob, Ted Barron and Linda Wilkinson)and one with my mother and her present boyfriend, Roy Judges(They've been girlfriend and boyfriend for 30 years.).
My father(Edwin Barron)was a veteran of the Second World War. He died in 1968 of a heart attack. We should always remember those who bought our freedom with their lives.
My mother(Doreen Barron)82 is seriously ill in a Newmarket hospital.
I'm a big fan of "Jeopardy" and this video about "Losing on Jeopardy" rings so true. While I'm pretty good at trivia compared to the average person, I know that I'd suck on the big show.
Terrorist groups like the Taliban were taught in Madrasses(Muslim schools in Pakistan and eslewhere). Initially, recruited to fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan.
Below is an interesting question. Jesus would be very busy answering questions on the afterlife and other stuff(like Star Trek's Q Continuum) Christianity :: What would Jesus blog?
It was interesting to find out that screenwriting guru, Charles Deemer has a blog. He started giving internet screenwriting advice long before anyone else did. The Writing Life: reflections by a working writer.
"Robbin'The Cradle" actually peaked at 8 on the Canadian top 40 hit parade. It's a pretty good song and you can preview it through the limewire software. tony bellus
This is a good source for information on the Canadian Stock Market(i.e. TSX). You can also build your own mutual fund list here too. globeandmail.com : globefund.com
One of the best things about this election is that the separatist, BQ Party, got less than 50% of the vote in Quebec. This is very important to Canada and our future as a nation. Election 2006
Not all of these 100 movies are crummy films, but most are. You probably have your own worse list of all time. Please send it to me if you do. The 100 Worst Films of the 20th Century
The real "Polar Express" in Canada is "The Polar Bear Express" to Moosonee and Moose Factory, two of the oldest settlements in Canada. I've haven't went on it yet, but plan to soon. Polar Bear Express -