It looks like "King of the Hill" would have been better entertainment than
the leaders of the major parties in a debate over Canadian election issues.
The Winnipeg Free Press Online Edition
This is interesting stuff on space/time portals. They are probably pathways created by powerful minds to transport physical objects through a very large multi-dimensional universe.
Is there a superhero or supervillain within all of us? Our fascination with them in movies and comics seems to suggest that. On one level you're a weak dysfunctional human being. On another level you're_________. You can fill in the blank. Superhero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ever wonder what I look like now? This is the whole Barron Family. I'm the guy on the far right.On the far left is my brother, Ted, then my mother, Doreen, then my sister, Linda, then brother Bob. It's the whole clan.
Nice stuff from the religious funny pages.
Funny Ad of the day: "Believe it or not, the following announcements actually appeared in various church bulletins. "
Belinda used to be a Conservative, but she's now a Liberal wearing the hat of Human Resources Minister. Do you think she'll be Canada's next Prime Minister?
Recent News on Belinda Stronach M.P.
Looking for a place where you can have a hell of a good time?
Why not try this place? Fun can be different things to different people.
I work in Mississauga which is not a suburb of Toronto. I live in the sister city, Brampton, which is just north of old Miss. Mississauga and Brampton share the regional county government of Peel. It's really is a great place to live and work.
Encyclopedia: Mississauga, Ontario
It's great to see the humanity that many are practising in the U.S.
"He ain't heavey. He's my brother." Remember the Hollies' song from the late 1960s. - Hurricane Katrina Housing and Disaster Relief Help: "Hurricane Katrina has left hundreds of thousands of people homeless.
But thousands of people throughout the region are stepping up to offer
free shelter to those in need. 177,833 beds volunteered so far!"
Sunday, September 04, 2005
After the heat of the summer and the hurricanes of autumn, what do we have to look forward to in the winter? Lots of winter fun.
My wife, Irene, is a featured jobseeker on this page. If you know of someone who needs a
hardworking employee can do payroll, HR, Benefits, AP/AR and other jobs, give her a call. gets amazing results for employers.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Last week my wife saw a very solid ghostly image of myself as I walked up the driveway.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
This is a really good photo of a Canada Post outlet where I don't work. I work in processing plant called the Toronto Exchange Office which is not in Toronto, but in Mississauga. Strange, but true. Also the person in this picture may not be an employee of Canada Post, but some contracted out company like Shopper's Drug Mart.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
They're not ghosts running away from the Air France Airbus, but live people. Sometimes a warning without death is better than one with death.
Monday, August 01, 2005
I've been in the Twilight zone with my computer(viruses screwed up Motherboard). Hopefully, I'm now in the real world with a new improved virus free computer.
Popular upbeat music didn't start with Elvis Presley or Rock and Roll.
Ragtime and Jazz took the stage in the early 20th century. The first star of modern music was Al Jolson. He had the energy and the makeup long before Mick Jagger and Kiss.
Al Jolson 101
It's tough to have a united effort against poverty when the world's richest nation doesn't show much interest.
Rock stars put on historic show to fight poverty - Yahoo! News: "But the impact of Live 8 was compromised by limited U.S. television coverage, with the show available only on cable channels MTV and VH-1 and ABC broadcasting just two hours of highlights."
Remember Tom Vu. The Chinese real estate guy with the bevy of babes. His secret: "How to grow rich by giving real estate seminars to suckers." I remember him well. Tom Vu - Ridiculous Infomercial Review
Our taxes just went up 5.6% in Brampton. We shouldn't have to put up with this crappy garbage.
The Brampton Guardian: It could be a long, smelly summer: "The last thing this city needs is a protracted strike in the heat of summer, especially if the recent heatwave is indicative of the kind of summer we'll have. "
I liked the list about "Things That I Find Difficult To Do With One Hand." Maybe the next list will be "Things That I Find Easy To Do With One Hand."
BlogExplosion - Viewing Blog : Cog Blog
In a perfect world, we would know what comic strip character we were and the cartoonist as well.
CARTOON WORLD: "Welcome to Cartoon World where humans and cartoons coexist in almost complete harmony. "
If you live in Canada and want to develop a career in Payroll, you can start with the Canadian Payroll Association. My wife is a member. Join the club and get the job.
The Canadian Payroll Association
Canadians lead the liberation of Holland in 1945. Truly a proud moment for Canada and the heroes fallen and still alive. - All of Holland celebrates its liberators: "The Dutch turned out by the thousands on a rainy today to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Victory in Europe, cheering Canadian veterans riding on Second World War vehicles in what could be the final big parade for many of them."
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Sometimes the shirt doesn't fit very well and you feel like a jerk.
Orillia is quickly becoming the retirement capital of Ontario for baby boomers. It's easy to see why.
Orillia & Area Visitors' Guide: "Bordering Lakes Simcoe and Couchiching on the spectacular Trent-Severn Waterway, Orillia is a vibrant community and all-season tourist destination."
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
To find out more about the universe, we must reach out spiritually to the lights that are out there.
Interesting list of top songs from a 100 films, but Olivia Newton John's Xanadu should have been on it.
AFI's 100 YEARS...100 SONGS
Sunday, May 01, 2005
This is the church in Newfoundland that my wife, Irene, attended in Spaniard's Bay as a young girl. It's an Anglican church about 150 years old.
Friday, April 29, 2005
My brother Ted is on the far left. My mother(Doreen)is next. My sister, Linda Wilkenson is in the center. My brother, Bob, is beside me on the right. I'm the guy who's smiling slyly.
The ghosts just love it here in Canada. Now they're becoming tourists' attractions. The phony stuff is in Niagara Falls. This is the real thing. Creepy Canada - Home Page
My father was veteran of the Second World War. We should all feel pride
about what happend over there on the 60th anniversary of VE Day. - Liberators return to mark VE Day: "Veterans Affairs Minister Albina Guarnieri said the Netherlands, which Canada liberated in 1945, holds a special place in the country's history.
'It was the most purely Canadian victory in the war,' Guarnieri said."
This is an interesting article on the difference between spirituality and religion.
Becoming less religious, doesn't mean becoming less spiritual.
Texarkana Area Pagans and Witches
Unfortunately, he became Pope in the wrong century.
CBS News | Concerns New Pope Is Hardliner | April 19, 2005�19:51:20: "'He has the most appalling reputation around the world as someone who has squashed theology, persecuted theologians - the chief of the thought police, the master of the inquisition,' says Catholic journalist and feminist writer Margaret Hebblethwaite. "
This is a very inspirational story of a how a young black man escaped out of poverty and made something of himself. - 'I wanted to be an anomaly': "Once homeless, David Green's path to success was honoured last night with Harry Jerome Award for youth"
Please note, there's no bonus system to share profits with the employees who do well. There's one for the supervisors, however. The only bonus system the workers get is overtime at Christmas and paid sick leave if you have it. Canada Post Records Tenth Consecutive Profit: "Canada Post Records Tenth Consecutive Profit"
Monday, April 11, 2005
They're still getting snow in Newfoundland. Isn't it great to live Brampton, Ontario?
Political corruption always makes for an interesting read. Here's a detailed report on alleged kickbacks to the ruling Liberal Party in Canada from advertising companies in Quebec. The details are just now coming out.
Is God Transcendent or Immanent? In Christianity, it is God, The Father that is transcendent. God, The Son, Jesus Christ is immanent.God works both inside and outside of time. Perhaps, difficult for humans to understand, but divine knowledge will increase if you honesty seek it.
God is Transcendent & Immanent: What is God's relationship to Creation?
There's a large shopping list for the next pope. Personally, I'd like to see someone who wasn't afraid to step on someone's toes. Someone who had personal visions of Christ and saints in heaven.
Yes we can, but we have to have a good reason for doing so. It helps if you have lots of unfinished business over the first 75 years. Then you can use the next 75 to finish up. Books: Can We Live 150 Years?: "Can We Live 150 Years?"
A family member suffers from insomnia so I recommended this product to him.
What do you think? Have you tried it?
CalAbsorb: "Do you suffer from tension, insomnia, muscle cramps, aches and pains, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis or PMS? You may be deficient in Calcium and Magnesium. Calcium can help keep your body healthy and strong and has even been clinically proven to improve the symptoms of PMS by up to 50%!"
If you never crapped out, you'd be playing this game forever.
In the meantime, I hope you have a hot streak in the game of your choice and that you walk away a winner.
Craps Rules, How To Play
It's true there are better singers in country music than George Jones but none can tell an emotional or interesting story in a song like he can. He's the best actor in country music or any other kind of music.
Salon Brilliant Careers | George Jones
As mayor of Canada's sixth largest city, Mississauga, for 26 years, Hazel McCallion(84 years young)is an inspiration to more than just women. Be true to yourself. Be true to your dreams. - Mayor recounts career successes: "Mayor recounts career successes
`Lot of men didn't think I could do it'"
There is more at stake in these rounds of NHL negotiations than millions of dollars going to the owners or the players. - Forgotten rebels: "Lost in the NHL labour war are the league's retired players Hockey's pension plan ought to be a priority"
Some may call "Gnosticism" Christian mysticism. There is a long spiritual tradition of gaining divine knowledge through different sources. It is a path that we should look at. Gnosticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Friday, February 25, 2005
Where do we go when we dream? The whole universe is our home.